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Last NameFirst NamePictureDC NumberAgencyCase Summary
JohnsonMarvin 018685PrivateCase Summary

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Last Updated

2008-01-09 11:43:13.0

Case Summary
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The Commission on Capital Cases updates this information regularly

The Commission on Capital Cases updates this information regularly.  This information; however, is subject to change and may not reflect the latest status of an inmate’s case and should not be relied upon for statistical or legal purposes. 


JOHNSON, Marvin Edwin (W/M)

DC#    018685

DOB: 11/27/42


First Judicial Circuit, Escambia County Case # 78-1869

Sentencing Judge: The Honorable William Frye, III

Attorney, Trial: Terry Terrell – Assistant Public Defender

Attorney, Direct Appeal: Louis Carres – Assistant Public Defender

Attorney, Collateral Appeals:  Thomas Dunn – Private


Date of Offense: 06/07/78

Date of Sentence: 01/12/79


Circumstances of Offense:


On the evening of 06/07/78, Gary Summitt, an employee of Warrington Pharmacy, went to ask a question of the pharmacist, Woodrow Moulton.  Summitt found Moulton and saw a man, later identified as Marvin Johnson, pointing a gun at Moulton while he put drugs and money into a bag that Johnson was holding.   Johnson then forced Summitt to help Moulton put the drugs and money into the bag. 


After emptying the safe, Johnson began to walk to the front of the pharmacy, when Moulton grabbed a gun from behind the counter and began shooting at Johnson.  After an exchange of gunfire in which Johnson was wounded, Moulton exhausted his ammunition.  Moulton then stood up with his hands in the air.  Johnson approached to within a foot and a half of Moulton, said “You think you’re a smart son-of-a-bitch don’t you?” and shot him in the chest. 


Gary Summitt described the man who shot Moulton to police and identified Johnson from a photographic lineup. 


Additional Information:


On 10/14/64, Johnson pled guilty to a charge of Robbery in Georgia and was sentenced to a prison term of 4 years. 


On 11/16/76, Johnson was convicted of a charge of Armed Robbery in Tennessee and was sentenced to a prison term of 20 years.  At the time of the Moulton murder, Johnson was an escapee from a Tennessee prison.


Johnson died of natural causes on 11/21/99.


Trial Summary:


08/29/78          Indicted as follows:

                                    Count I:           First-Degree Murder

                                    Count II:         Armed Robbery

12/08/78          Jury returned guilty verdicts on all counts of the indictment

12/09/78          Jury recommended a sentence of life imprisonment

12/09/78          Sentenced to Life Imprisonment for Count II: Armed Robbery

01/12/79          Judge overrode the jury’s recommendation and sentenced Johnson to

                        Death for Count I: First-Degree Murder


Appeal Summary:


Florida Supreme Court – Direct Appeal

FSC# 56,167

393 So.2d 1069


02/13/79          Appeal filed

12/11/80          FSC affirmed convictions and sentences

03/06/81          Rehearing denied


U.S. Supreme Court – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

USSC# 80-6610

454 U.S. 882


05/01/81          Petition filed

10/05/81          USSC denied Petition


U.S. District Court, Northern District – Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus

USDC# 82-875


05/12/82          Petition filed

10/04/85          USDC denied Petition

12/06/85          Rehearing denied


U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit – Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Appeal

USCA# 85-3962

806 F.2d 1479


12/16/85          Appeal filed

12/08/86          USCA affirmed denial of Petition

01/07/87          Rehearing denied

01/15/87          Mandate issued



U.S. Supreme Court – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

USSC# 86-7022

484 U.S. 872


06/09/87          Petition filed

10/05/87          USSC denied Petition


Florida Supreme Court – Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus

FSC# 72,231

523 So.2d 161


04/10/88          Petition filed

04/11/88          FSC denied Petition


Circuit Court, 1st Circuit – 3.850 Motion

CC# 78-1869


04/10/88          Motion filed

04/11/88          CC denied Motion


Florida Supreme Court – 3.850 Motion Appeal

FSC# 72,238

536 So.2d 1009


04/11/88          Appeal filed

12/01/88          FSC affirmed denial of Motion

02/09/89          Rehearing denied and Mandate issued


U.S. District Court, Northern District – Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus

USDC# 89-40046


03/10/89          Petition filed

03/14/89          USDC denied Petition

03/16/89          Rehearing denied


U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit – Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Appeal

USCA# 89-3195

911 F.2d 440; 920 F.2d 721; 938 F.2d 1166


05/17/89          Appeal filed

08/21/90          USCA remanded to address ineffective assistance of counsel claims

12/18/90          Rehearing granted en banc and vacated remand

07/25/91          USCA affirmed denial of Petition

09/04/91          Rehearing denied


U.S. Supreme Court – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

USSC# 91-6576

506 U.S. 930


12/03/91          Petition filed

10/13/92          USSC denied Petition

12/14/92          Rehearing denied


Florida Supreme Court – Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus

FSC# 83,690

647 So.2d 106


05/13/94          Petition filed

05/19/94          FSC denied Petition

08/25/94          Rehearing denied and Mandate issued


Circuit Court, 1st Circuit – 3.850 Motion

CC# 78-1869


05/16/94          Motion filed

05/17/94          CC denied Motion


Florida Supreme Court – 3.850 Motion Appeal

FSC# 83,701

647 So.2d 106


05/17/94          Appeal filed

05/19/94          FSC remanded to address affidavits that another person committed crime

08/25/94          Rehearing denied and Mandate issued



Death Warrant:


04/23/82          Governor Graham signed a death warrant

05/14/82          Stay granted by the U.S. District Court


03/03/88          Governor Martinez signed a death warrant

04/13/88          Stay granted by the Florida Supreme Court


02/16/89          Governor Martinez signed a death warrant

03/16/89          Stay granted by the U.S. Court of Appeals


04/28/94          Governor Chiles signed a death warrant

05/19/94          Stay granted by the Florida Supreme Court



Clemency Hearing:


01/12/82          Clemency hearing held (denied)



Factors Contributing to the Delay in Imposition of Sentence:


Johnson’s case was remanded several times by various courts. 



Case Information:


Johnson filed a Direct Appeal with the Florida Supreme Court on 02/13/79, citing the following trial court errors: allowing improper questioning during cross-examination, granting a motion to prevent the testimony of an expert witness, admitting photographs of the pharmacy, overriding the jury’s recommendation of life imprisonment.  On 12/11/80, the FSC affirmed the convictions and sentences. 


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on 05/01/81 that was denied on 10/05/81.


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus with the U.S. District Court, Northern District, on 05/12/82, raising such issues as the jury override, aggravating and mitigating factors, prosecutorial misconduct, expert testimony, and evidence admission.  On 10/04/85, the USDC denied the Petition. 


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Appeal with the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit, on 12/16/85, raising such issues as lingering doubt, nonstatutory mitigating circumstances, expert testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, due process violations, and the jury override.  On 12/08/86, the USCA affirmed the denial of the Petition. 


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on 06/09/87 that was denied on 10/05/87.


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus with the Florida Supreme Court on 04/10/88 that was denied on 04/11/88.


Johnson filed a 3.850 Motion with the Circuit Court, 1st Circuit, on 04/10/88 that was denied on 04/11/88. 


Johnson filed a 3.850 Motion Appeal with the Florida Supreme Court on 04/11/88, raising the issue of ineffective assistance of counsel.  On 12/01/88, the FSC affirmed the denial of the Motion. 


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus with the U.S. District Court, Northern District, on 03/10/89, raising the issues of ineffective assistance of counsel and the jury override.  On 03/14/89, the USDC denied the Petition. 


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Appeal with the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal, 11th Circuit.  On 08/21/90, a panel of the court remanded the case to the USDC to address the ineffective assistance of counsel claims.  A rehearing was granted on 12/18/90, the panel’s decision was vacated, and the appeal was ordered heard by the USCA en banc.  On 07/25/91, the USCA affirmed the denial of the Petition.


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on 12/03/91 that was denied on 10/13/92.


Johnson filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus with the Florida Supreme Court on 05/13/94, raising the issue of aggravating circumstances.  On 05/19/94, the FSC denied the Petition. 


Johnson filed a 3.850 Motion with the Circuit Court, 1st Circuit, on 05/16/94 that was denied on 05/17/94.


Johnson filed a 3.850 Motion Appeal with the Florida Supreme Court on 05/17/94, citing Brady violations and newly discovered evidence of alibis and affidavits that pointed to another person as the murderer.  On 05/19/94, the FSC remanded the Motion to the Circuit Court for an evidentiary hearing to address the affidavits.  


Johnson died of natural causes on 11/21/99.


Institutional Adjustment:





DATE                    DAYS                     VIOLATION                                       LOCATION      

07/20/79               45                           POSS OF NARCOTICS                      FLORIDA STATE PRISON

01/18/80               30                           POSS OF UNAUTH BEV.                  FLORIDA STATE PRISON

12/14/80               0                              DISOBEYING ORDER                      FLORIDA STATE PRISON

10/07/81               0                              POSS OF NARCOTICS                      CENTRAL OFFICE     

01/19/82               0                              POSS OF NEGOTIABLES                 CENTRAL OFFICE     

02/14/82               0                              SEX ACTS                                            CENTRAL OFFICE     

04/16/82               0                              SEX ACTS                                            CENTRAL OFFICE     

07/13/82               0                              DISRESP.TO OFFICIALS                 CENTRAL OFFICE     

07/16/82               0                              DISRESP.TO OFFICIALS                 CENTRAL OFFICE     

03/22/83               0                              POSS OF NARCOTICS                      NEW RIVER "O" UNIT 

03/26/83               0                              DISRESP.TO OFFICIALS                 NEW RIVER "O" UNIT 

06/15/83               30                           DISRESP.TO OFFICIALS                 NEW RIVER "O" UNIT 

09/10/83               0                              DISRESP.TO OFFICIALS                 NEW RIVER "O" UNIT 

06/04/84               30                           SPOKEN THREATS                           NEW RIVER "O" UNIT 

06/04/84               30                           DISOBEYING ORDER                      NEW RIVER "O" UNIT 

12/10/84               60                           POSS OF NARCOTICS                      FLORIDA STATE PRISON

05/25/85               0                              DISOBEYING ORDER                      FLORIDA STATE PRISON

01/20/86               30                           POSS OF NEGOTIABLES                 FLORIDA STATE PRISON

05/22/86               0                              POSS OF UNAUTH BEV.                  FLORIDA STATE PRISON

05/22/86               30                           POSS OF NEGOTIABLES                 FLORIDA STATE PRISON

12/28/86               10                           POSS OF NEGOTIABLES                 FLORIDA STATE PRISON

11/08/88               30                           ATTEMPT TO CONSPIRE               FLORIDA STATE PRISON

08/19/89               90                           ATTEMPT TO CONSPIRE               FLORIDA STATE PRISON

10/28/89               0                              POSS OF NARCOTICS                      FLORIDA STATE PRISON

04/10/91               0                              POSS OF CONTRABAND                 FLORIDA STATE PRISON

07/28/91               30                           POSS OF NARCOTICS                      FLORIDA STATE PRISON

08/12/91               0                              POSS OF CONTRABAND             FLORIDA STATE PRISON

09/25/96               0                              POSS OF CONTRABAND             FLORIDA STATE PRISON

02/03/97               0                              POSS OF CONTRABAND             FLORIDA STATE PRISON



Report Date:   03/10/05          JFL