The Commission on Capital Cases was not funded in the FY 2011-2012 General Appropriations Act, and the Commission ceased operations on June 30, 2011. This site and the Commission website are being retained to provide access to historical materials.

The Registry Attorneys will be continued by the Justice Administration Commission.

These actions are effective July 1, 2011.

Disclaimer: The Commission on Capital Cases receives this information from a variety of sources. The site will be updated consistently as information is received and will be audited bi-annually. We make every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information provided; however, the information should be verified by the applicable court prior to using it for legal or statistical purposes.


Last NameFirst NamePictureDC NumberAgencyCase Summary
PhillipsHarry 008035CCRC-SCase Summary

Last Action

DateCourtCase NumberLast Action
3/28/2006FSC06-2554Initial brief filed
6/12/2006FSC06-25543.202 Appeal filed
4/16/2007FSC06-2554Answer filed
4/27/2007FSC06-2554Reply filed
11/7/2007FSC06-2554Oral Arguments held
3/20/2008FSC06-2554Disposition affirmed; 3.202 denied
4/4/2008FSC06-2554Motion for Rehearing filed
6/12/2008FSC06-2554Rehearing denied
6/30/2008FSC06-2554Mandate issued
3/25/2008FSC07-2072Initial brief filed
5/1/2008FSC07-2072Answer brief filed
6/11/2008FSC07-2072Reply brief filed
9/23/2008FSC07-2072Disposition affirmed
10/8/2008FSC07-2072Motion for Rehearing filed
11/20/2008FSC07-2072Rehearing denied
12/10/2008USDC-S08-23420Habeas Petition filed
4/10/2009USDC-S08-23420Response filed
8/3/2009USDC-S08-23420Reply filed
3/7/2011FSC11-4723.850 Appeal
11/24/2010CC83-4353.850 Motion
12/13/2010CC83-435State's Reponse to 3.850 Motion
1/4/2011CC83-435Huff Hearing
1/27/2011CC83-4353.850 Motion Denied

Current Attorney


Last Updated

2008-01-09 11:43:13.0

Case Summary
Direct Links

The Commission on Capital Cases updates this information regularly

The Commission on Capital Cases updates thisinformation regularly.  This information, however, is subject to changeand may not reflect the latest status of an inmate’s case and should not berelied upon for statistical or legal purposes. 


PHILLIPS, Harry Franklin (B/M)

DC# 008035

DOB:  04/21/45


Eleventh Judicial Circuit, Dade County Case# 83-435

Sentencing Judge:  The Honorable Arthur I. Snyder

Attorney, Trial:  Ronald Guralnick – Special AssistantPublic Defender

Attorney, Direct Appeal:  Eric William Hendon

Attorney, Collateral Appeals: William Hennis, III – CCRC-S


Date of Offense:  08/31/82

Date of Sentence:  02/01/84

Date of Resentence:  04/20/94


Circumstances of the Offense:


During the evening of 08/31/82, several rounds of gunfirewere heard in the vicinity of the Parole and Probation building in Miami. The body of parole supervisor Bjorn Svenson was found in the parking lot, thevictim of multiple gunshot wounds.  Forensic evidence demonstrated thatSvenson was shot twice in the chest and fled a short distance before beingkilled by repeated shots in the head and back.


Svenson was the supervisor of several probation officers whowere in charge of Phillips’ parole.  For two years prior to the murder,Svenson and Phillips had encounters regarding Phillips’ unauthorized contactwith a probation officer, with Phillips being advised to stay away from probationofficers and the parole building unless making an authorized visit.  Afterone such incident, Phillips’ parole was revoked and he was returned to prisonfor approximately twenty months. 


On 08/24/82, several rounds of gunfire were shot through thefront window of a home occupied by the two probation officers who had testifiedagainst Phillips. 


Following Svenson’s murder, Phillips was incarcerated forparole violations.  Several inmates testified that Phillips told them thathe had killed a parole officer. 

Additional Information:


During Phillips’ 3.850 Appeal with the Florida Supreme Court(filed on 12/21/04), the Court relinquished the case back to the Circuit Courton 05/27/05 to determine mental retardation.  An extension of time for therelinquishment proceedings were granted on 11/10/05.  The case is expectedto be due back to the Florida Supreme Court on 02/06/06.


Trial Summary:


01/04/83         Indicted as follows:

                                   Count I: First-Degree Murder

12/16/83         Jury returned guilty verdicts on all counts of the indictment and recommendeddeath by a vote of 7-5

02/01/84         Sentenced as follows:

                                   Count I: First-Degree Murder – Death

04/20/94         Resentenced to death.  The juryrecommended a death sentence by a vote of 7-5.


Appeals Summary:


Florida Supreme Court – Direct Appeal

FSC# 64,883

476 So.2d 194


02/16/84         Appeal filed

08/30/85         FSC affirmed conviction and sentence

10/28/85         Rehearing denied


Florida Supreme Court – Petition for Writ of HabeasCorpus

FSC# 71,404

515 So.2d 227


11/04/87         Petition filed

11/19/87         Petition denied


State Circuit Court – 3.850 Motion

CC# 83-435


11/04/87         Motion filed

11/13/87         Trial court granted stay of execution forevidentiary hearing

09/15/88         Evidentiary hearing held

02/13/89         Motion denied

Florida Supreme Court – 3.850 Appeal

FSC# 75,598

608 So.2d 778


02/27/90         Appeal filed

09/24/92         FSC affirmed conviction, vacated death sentence, and remanded for resentencing

12/24/92         Rehearing denied

12/24/92         Mandate issued


United States Supreme Court – Petition for Writ ofCertiorari

USSC# 92-8292

509 U.S. 908


03/24/93         Petition filed

06/21/93         Petition denied


Florida Supreme Court – Direct Appeal (Resentencing)

FSC# 83,731

705 So.2d 1320


05/19/94         Appeal filed

09/25/97         FSC affirmed death sentence

02/23/98         Rehearing denied

03/25/98         Mandate issued


United States Supreme Court – Petition for Writ ofCertiorari

USSC# 98-5003

525 U.S. 880


06/23/98         Petition filed

10/05/98         Petition denied


State Circuit Court – 3.850 Motion

CC# 83-435


12/02/99         Motion filed
09/26/00          Motion denied

Florida Supreme Court – 3.850 Appeal

FSC# 00-2248

894 So.2d 28


10/30/00         Appeal filed

10/14/04         Affirmed denial of 3.850 motion

10/28/04         Motion for a rehearing filed

01/27/05         Rehearing denied


Florida Supreme Court – Petition for Writ of HabeasCorpus

FSC# 01-1460

894 So.2d 28


07/20/01         Petition filed

10/14/04         Petition denied

10/28/04         Motion for a rehearing filed

01/27/05         Rehearing denied

02/14/05         Mandate issued


State Circuit Court – 3.850 Motion

CC# 83-435


09/23/04         Motion filed

10/14/04         Motion dismissed

12/23/04         Rehearing denied


Florida Supreme Court – 3.850 Appeal

FSC# 04-2476


12/21/04         Appeal filed

05/27/05         Case relinquished to the Circuit Court to determine mental retardation

02/12/06         Evidentiary hearing held

05/14/06         Relinquishment ended

06/14/06         Order from the Circuit Court denying Phillips’ 3.850 Motion

06/21/07         Disposition affirmed.


Florida Supreme Court – 3.203 Appeal

FSC# 06-2554

984So.2d 503


06/12/06         Appeal filed

03/20/08         Disposition affirmed; Motion denied

04/04/08         Motion for Rehearing filed

06/12/08         Rehearing denied

06/30/08         Mandate


State Circuit Court – 3.850 Motion

CC# 83-435


08/21/07         Motion filed.

09/24/07         Motion denied.


Florida Supreme Court – 3.851 Appeal

FSC# 07-2072

996So.2d 859


10/29/07         Appeal filed.

09/23/08         Disposition affirmed.

10/08/08         Motion for Rehearing filed.

11/20/08         Rehearing denied.


United States District Court, Southern District –Habeas Petition

USDC# 08-23420



12/10/08         Petition filed.


Circuit Court – 3.850 Motion

CC# 83-435


11/24/10         Motion filed
01/27/11          Motion denied

02/28/11          Appeal filed


Florida Supreme Court – 3.850 Appeal

FSC# 11-472



03/07/11         Appeal filed


Death Warrant:


10/05/87         Governor Martinez signed death warrant

11/13/87         Stay of execution granted by the trial court



Clemency Hearing:


09/03/87         Clemency hearing held (denied)



Factors Contributing to the Delay in the Imposition of theSentence:


The delay was due toPhillips being resentenced and the appeal process beginning anew. Phillips’ 3.850 Appeal, filed to the Florida Supreme Court on 10/30/00, wasdelayed for four years until the Court affirmed the trial court’s denial ofPhillips’ 3.850 Motion on 10/14/00. 


Case Information:


Phillips filed a DirectAppeal to the Florida Supreme Court on 02/16/84, citing the following issues:error in allowing testimony concerning a collateral crime, error in allowingtestimony of a prosecution witness, error in refusing to allow certain jury instructions,and challenging the finding of two aggravating circumstances in the penaltyphase of the trial – the murder was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel andwas committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner.  The Courtaffirmed the conviction and sentence on 08/30/85. 


Governor Martinez signeda death warrant for Phillips, and the execution was scheduled for 12/10/87.


Phillips filed a Petitionfor Writ of Habeas Corpus to the Florida Supreme Court on 11/04/87, arguingthat comments from the prosecutor and judge to the jury that their role in thesentencing proceeding was only advisory diminished the jury’s sense ofresponsibility for its actions.  The Court denied the petition on11/19/87.


Phillips filed a 3.850Motion to the Circuit Court on 11/04/87.  The court granted a stay ofexecution so that an evidentiary hearing could be held.  The hearing washeld on 09/15/88.  The trial court denied the motion on 02/13/89.


Phillips filed a 3.850Appeal to the Florida Supreme Court on 02/27/90, citing the following: theinmate testimony presented at trial was obtained by promises of the state toreduce the inmate’s sentence and provide monetary payments, witnesses lied onthe stand and the state failed to correct the false testimony, jailhouseinformants were used to elicit testimony from Phillips after he asserted hisright to counsel, ineffective assistance of counsel at the guilt phase of trialand ineffective assistance of counsel at the penalty phase of trial due tofailure to raise sufficient mitigating circumstance evidence. The Courtreversed the denial of the 3.850 motion by the trial court, vacated the deathsentence, and remanded for resentencing


Phillips filed a Petitionfor Writ of Certiorari to the United States Supreme Court on 03/24/93, whichwas denied on 06/21/93.


Phillips filed a DirectAppeal for resentencing to the Florida Supreme Court on 05/19/94, citing thefollowing: the resentencing did not follow the Court’s opinions; the trialcourt mishandled the jury and improperly influenced the jury to return a deathsentence; improper definition of an aggravating circumstance; the stateimproperly used Phillips’ prior bad acts as the focus of the resentencing; thetrial court improperly allowed the state to strike an African-American juror;and the cold, calculated and premeditated aggravating circumstance was toobroad.  The Court affirmed the trial court’s sentence on 09/25/97.


Phillips filed a Petitionfor Writ of Certiorari to the United States Supreme Court on 06/23/98, whichwas denied on 10/05/98.


Phillips filed a 3.850Motion to the Circuit Court on 12/02/99, which was denied on 09/26/00.


Phillips filed a 3.850 Appealto the Florida Supreme Court on 10/30/00, which was affirmed on 10/14/04.


Phillips filed a Petitionfor Writ of Habeas Corpus to the Florida Supreme Court on 07/20/01, which wasdenied on 10/14/04.  On 10/28/04, Phillips filed a motion for a rehearing,which was denied on 01/27/05.  A mandate was issued on 02/14/05.


On 09/23/04, Phillips filed a 3.850 Motion to the CircuitCourt.  The State’s response was a motion to dismiss, which was granted on10/14/04.  The rehearing was denied on 12/23/04.


On 12/21/04, Phillipsfiled a 3.850 Appeal to the Florida Supreme Court.  On 05/27/05,Phillips’s case was then relinquished to the Circuit Court to determine mentalretardation. On 05/27/05, Phillips’s case was relinquished to the Circuit Courtwhere he raised the claim of mental retardation.  The evidentiary hearingwas held on 02/12/06.  The relinquishment ended on 05/14/06 and theCircuit Court ordered the denial of Phillips’s 3.850 Motion on 06/14/06 by theCircuit Court.  The Florida Supreme Court affirmed the Circuit Courtdecision on 06/21/07.


On 06/12/06, Phillipsfiled a 3.203 Motion for determination of mental retardation in the FloridaSupreme Court.  On 03/20/08, the Florida Supreme Court affirmed the trialcourt’s disposition and denied the 3.203 Motion.  On 04/04/08, Phillipsfiled a Motion for Rehearing which was denied on 06/12/08.  A mandate wasissued 06/30/08.


Phillips filed a 3.850motion in the circuit court on 08/21/07, which was denied on 09/24/07.


On 10/29/07, Phillipsfiled an appeal of the Circuit Court’s denial of his 3.850 motion.  On09/23/08, the Florida Supreme Court affirmed the lower court’s disposition anddenied Phillips his appeal.  On 10/08/08, Phillips filed a Motion forRehearing which was denied on 11/20/08.  No mandate will be issued in thiscase.


On 12/10/08, Phillipsfiled a Habeas Petition in the United States District Court.  Thispetition is currently pending.


On 11/24/10, Phillipsfiled a 3.850 Motion in the Circuit Court.  This motion was denied on01/27/11.


On 03/07/11, Phillipsfiled a 3.850 Appeal in the Florida Supreme Court.  This appeal is currentlypending.





Report Date:  06/11/01          JFL

Approved:      09/26/01         WS     

Updated:        04/27/11          CAR