The Commission on Capital Cases updates thisinformation regularly. This information, however, is subject to change and maynot reflect the latest status of an inmate’s case and should not be relied onfor statistical or legal purposes.
TREASE, Robert (W/M)
DC # 124346
DOB: 01/21/53
Twelfth Judicial Circuit, Sarasota County Case #95-2207/96-1900
Sentencing Judge: The Honorable Robert Bennett
Trial Attorney: Fred Mercurio – Special Appointed PublicDefender
Attorney, Direct Appeal: Andrea Norgard – Assistant PublicDefender
Attorneys, Collateral Appeals: Thomas Dunn & Mark Olive– Pro Bono
Date of Offense: 08/17/85
Date of Sentence: 01/22/97
Circumstances of Offense:
The defendant, Robert Trease, and his accomplice Hope Siegelconspired to rob the victim Paul Edeson. The robbery resulted in Trease killingthe victim with a knife.
Trease and Siegel planned for her to arrange a date with thevictim so that she could learn where the victim kept a hidden safe. Theyplanned to return later to recover any money the victim may have had. Siegelarrived at the victim’s home and after spending time with the victim,determined that he did not have a safe. She left the victim’s residence and metwith Trease, to inform him that the victim did not own a safe. Trease followedMs. Siegal back to the victim’s house where he surprised and attacked thevictim in an effort to obtain the safe’s location. The victim continued toinsist that he did not have a safe in his house. Trease told Siegel to get agun, which he put to the victim’s head as he continued the questioning. Thevictim remained uncooperative so Trease fired a non-lethal bullet into his headand then asked Siegel to retrieve a knife. He then cut the victim’s throatresulting in his death. Subsequent to his arrest, Trease denied any knowledgeor involvement in the crime. Siegel, however, gave a detailed statementimplicating them both.
Codefendant Information:
Hope Siegel
Hope Siegel was sentenced on 12-30-96 for Second DegreeMurder and received a sentence of 20 years prison. She was also sentenced on02-19-97 to one year prison for Burglary of a Dwelling. (Both charges resultedfrom the same incident)
Trial Summary:
09/28/95 Indicted by the Grand Jury, Case # 95-2207.
Count I: First-Degree Murder
10/13/95 Special Public Defender appointed, plea of not guilty entered.
02/14/96 Information filed for case # 96-1900, *
Count I: Burglaryof a Dwelling with Assault While Armed.
Count II: Robbery with aFirearm.
12/11/96 The jury found the defendant guilty of all counts as charged both inthe indictment and the information.
12/19/96 Upon advisory sentencing the trial jury, by a 11 to 1 majority, voted for thedeath penalty.
01/22/97 The defendant sentenced as follows:
Case # 95-2207
CountI: First-DegreeMurder – Death
Case # 96-1900
CountI: Burglary of aDwelling w/ an Assault While Armed – Life
CountII: Robbery with a Firearm –Life
*Note, the charges in case # 96-1900 are related to the sameincident.
Appeal Summary:
Florida Supreme Court, Direct Appeal
FSC # SC89, 961
768 So. 2d 1050 (Fla. 00)
02/28/97 Appeal filed.
08/17/00 FSC affirmed convictions and the sentence of death.
10/11/00 Rehearing denied.
11/13/00 Mandate issued.
State Circuit Court, 3.850 Motion
Circuit Court Case #’s 95-2207/ 96-1900
05/23/01 Motion filed.
05/31/01 Motion denied.
09/27/02 Motion reinstated.
03/27/06 Motion amended.
05/11/07 Motion denied.
05/24/07 Motion for rehearing filed.
06/05/07 Motion denied.
Florida Supreme Court – 3.850 Motion Appeal
FSC# 07-1353
41 So.3d 119
07/19/07 Appeal filed.
06/19/08 Relinquished to the State Circuit Court.
10/21/08 Relinquishment ended.
06/24/10 Denial of motion affirmed.
07/16/10 Mandate issued.
Florida Supreme Court – Petition for Writ of HabeasCorpus
FSC# 08-792
41 So.3d 119
04/29/08 Petition filed.
06/24/10 Petition denied.
United States Supreme Court – Petition for Writ ofCertiorari
USSC# 10-7730
11/22/10 Petition filed.
02/22/11 Petition denied.
Warrant Information:
11/19/01 Governor Jeb Bush signed death warrant.
02/06/02 Governor Jeb Bush granted a Stay of Execution.
Case Information:
Trease filed his Direct Appeal to the Florida Supreme Courton 02/28/97. Trease’s initial appeal contained a number of claims including:the trial court abused its discretion by failing to appoint co-counsel toassist in the penalty phase and in denying his request for new counsel, thecourt erred in granting the State’s pre-trial motion, thereby preventing thedefense from cross-examining Siegel regarding her drug addiction, the courtgave little weight to non-statutory mitigating factors, the court erred infinding that Trease killed the victim in order to avoid a lawful arrest andthe penalty of death was disproportionate. The Supreme Court affirmed theconvictions and the sentence of death on 08/17/00.
CCRC filed a notice of appearance in January of 2001. On03/19/01, Trease filed a motion to dismiss counsel. On 05/23/01, a 3.850 motionwas filed on Trease’s behalf. A competency hearing was held on 05/24/01. On05/31/01, the trial court entered an order: determining the defendant competentto proceed, denying the 3.850 motion, granting the defendant’s motion todismiss counsel. On 09/27/02, the 3.850 motion was reinstated. On03/27/06, the motion was amended. On 05/11/07, the amended motion wasdenied. Trease filed a motion for rehearing on 05/24/07 which was deniedon 06/05/07.
On 11/19/01, Governor Jeb Bush signed a death warrant. Theexecution was scheduled for 02/07/02, however, Governor Bush granted a Stay ofExecution on 02/06/02.
Trease filed a 3.850 Motion Appeal to the Florida SupremeCourt on 07/19/07. This appeal was relinquished to the Circuit Court on06/19/08 and ended on 10/21/08. The denial of the motion was affirmed on06/24/10. A mandate was issued on 07/16/10.
On 04/29/08, Trease filed a Petition for Writ of HabeasCorpus in the Florida Supreme Court. This petition was denied on06/24/10.
On 11/22/10, Trease filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorariin the United States Supreme Court. This petition was denied 02/22/11.
Institutional Adjustment:
Report date 06/04/01 WHS
Updated 03/10/11 EMJ